Tuesday, January 01, 2013


1/365 - Resolve

Determination, Resolution, Purpose.

I'm doing things a little bit different this year for my 365 project. Last year I tried to have my picture of the day represent something about my day. While I enjoyed capturing my day to day life, and its been fun to go back and look over the year, I'm going a different direction this year. I'm going to use 365 photo prompts. I'm excited about this challenge and I do think it will be a challenge. Instead of just thinking about something from my day or recording an event from the day, this is going to push me to think and create my photo. It will make me think about what I'm shooting and why I'm shooting it. I'm hoping that it will also allow me to learn more and be more creative and intentional with my photography.
That being said, today's word was "resolve". I have resolved to do the 365 project again this year. I'm as excited about it this year as I was last year or maybe even more excited. I know what I got out of the journey last year and I can't wait to see where it takes me this year.
I'm determined to be much more prompt in posting my picture and their story. I love it that my pictures will have a story. I'm also determined to print my pictures this year so they can be seen. What good are thousands of pictures on the computer where nobody can see and enjoy them, especially my family.
As a part of the new projects and workflow this year, part of the resolution to being so overwhelmed is to delete more and more pictures and keep less amount of pictures of the same thing. Really, who needs 143 pictures of one grandson playing football or basketball, or 67 pictures of a baby sitting in a chair. With this resolution comes the freedom of actually doing something with my pictures and not being swamped by the hundreds and hundreds of pictures of one thing.
The purpose of this project is to capture something everyday and to help me take my photography to the next level. I think it will give me a purpose to journal too. I have always wanted to journal and I'm really good at starting a new journal on Jan. 1st. but usually by the middle of January I have given up. With the prompts, it gives me something to think and write about. There may not be any purpose for this project for anyone except myself but thats okay. If I find enjoyment in doing this and I learn and improve then its well worth it.
So here's to a great 2013 with lots of photography, journaling and learning.

1 comment:

  1. "There may not be any purpose for this project for anyone except myself"

    There are others who benefit from your "Enjoyment", "Learning", "Purpose", "Freedom",

    Your making some good pictures too!
