Saturday, January 05, 2013

Colorful Food

5/365 - Colorful Food

Fruits, Veggies, Cupcakes
Well you can see where my thoughts go when you talk about food. It goes straight to the sweets.
I realize there is alot of color in fruits and veggies but thats not near as much fun as the color of M&Ms. I know the M&Ms aren't nearly as healthy as the fruits and veggies BUT I do want to point out that they are the dark chocolate ones and everyone knows dark chocolate is good for you.
Some might even question if M&Ms are food. At our house anything sweet and especially chocolate is food, no matter what form it comes in.

I should have explained this in the first post of the year.  The 3 words or options are what comes in the daily email with the photo prompt.  She gives these for ideas for the prompt.

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