Thursday, January 03, 2013


3/365 - Repetition

A Pattern, Filled Frame, Many
I looked yesterday at todays prompt and had given it some thought but hadn't come up with anything.
This morning after I got the daily email, for some reason, grocery store shelves kept coming to mind. I looked at some other ideas, even took a few pictures of other things. When I stopped at Hy-Vee on the way home from work I knew I really wanted the grocery store shelf picture.
The picture really says what I had in mind. All the different varieties but yet so neatly lined up side by side, row after row. The crisp line that is created by all the products pushed right up to the front of the shelf. I like all the color and the pattern that the bottles and cans make.
I am pleased with the outcome, however, it isn't easy to stand in the grocery store aisle and take pictures and not feel like everyone is looking at you wondering about you.

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