Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Stranger's Smile

13/365 - A Stranger's Smile

On the Street, Through a Window, From a Distance.
We went to the Apple store on the plaza this afternoon and I had all intentions of asking someone if I could take their picture for my project. I found out I don't have enough nerve to do that so I resorted to being sneaky.
After spending some time in Apple and Barnes and Noble, I just wasn't comfortable with any of the options I found. So I went out and stood on the corner and took pictures of people crossing the street. This picture is a little blurry but when you are trying to be inconspicuous its hard to keep focusing and moving the camera toward the people.
I may be stretching the smiling part, but it looks like she is smiling at him just a little. Enough to qualify for my picture of the day.
I think I could get comfortable with street photography where people aren't actually looking at you and I'm far enough away to not be noticed.

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