Tuesday, January 08, 2013


8/365 - Discouraged

Disheartened, Hinder, Frustrated.
I struggled with today's prompt. I couldn't really think of anything that I was discouraged, disheartened or frustrated about, but I guess thats a good thing.
The more I thought about this, the more I realized it didn't have to be something major, like deep depressing discouraged, or not get out of bed discouraged. It could be something small that was a minor discouragement.
I have had an idea in my head for months and months now and I have to admit that the daunting task of actually getting this project done is a little discouraging.
As you can see, I have albums and albums of "old" pictures. They are all dated and in order and go back to 1976 when Brian and I started going together. I want to go back and pull from the albums and make a family scrapbook of these pictures from 1976 to 2002 (which is where I started my scrapbooking hobby and have 2002 and newer already scrapbooked). I won't scrapbook "all" the pictures, just the best ones.
But to complicate things just a little, I also want to make scrapbooks for both the boys from their birth to their marriage. I have already made their school scrapbooks and wedding scrapbooks. The problem is, when I get to their birth in the albums, I have to make sure I have pictures to go in their books but also our family book. And one step further, when Caleb is born, and there are pictures of Nick and Caleb together, I will want enough pictures for each of their books plus the family book. Are you confused yet???
That is why my Christmas present from Brian this year was so exciting. I will be able to scan those pictures as I come to them and get enough copies made for 3 books if necessary.
It is a huge undertaking and will take months and months (if not years) to finish. So, back to the prompt for the day. Discouraging? a little. Exciting, very.

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