Thursday, January 10, 2013

Real Life

10/365 - Real Life

Everyday, Ordinary, Daily.
I was on my way to work this morning and I really didn't know what my picture was going to be. I knew the photo prompt but I hadn't read the email yet with the idea words.
I pulled in to QT to get my morning drink and was walking back out to the car and the thought came to me, that this was real life. It was dark and rainy and chilly and I was stopping at a place that I go to on a regular basis. Now while I don't go to QT every day, I do go there alot. It is by far my favorite place to get drinks.
I love it when I don't really have a plan and then it just pops into my head very clear about what I should photograph. It doesn't always happen that way but it sure is nice when it does.

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