Thursday, February 21, 2013


52/365 - Performance

Acting, Entertaining, Dramatic.
We did get the snow, it was just later coming than expected. There was no school and even MNU closed the offices. Of course I didn't realize they had closed until after I was up, showered, dressed and ready to walk out the door. Looked at my phone and there was the message.
I was ready for the day so Jennifer asked if I wanted to come over and scrapbook. Nick came to pick me up as the roads were already really bad. I took my camera because I knew either Brooklynne or Jentry or both would be performing some way. Either they would be singing, dancing or gymnastics. Never did it occur to me that it would end up being Noah and Nick who were performing. They were in the downstairs family room playing Rock Band and I was able to get this picture.
I have to admit, I didn't stay long for the performance. I think they may need a little more practice :).

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