Saturday, February 23, 2013


54/365 - Framed

Cupcakes, Fruit, Cookies.
I'm not sure what those three things have to do with the word framed. When I saw the prompt for today I thought of picture frames. I really don't have any really cool or antique frames but I did think of the very old picture that sits in the spare bedroom.
This is a picture of my brother, Jimmy, age 6 years and myself, age 1 year. This is the cardboard frame that the pictures came in and they have lived in this frame for the past 54 years. It's old, its discolored and its a little beat up but I still like it.
This frame sits on an antique dresser scarf that my Grandma Grace made. The scarf sits on top of a cedar chest that was handmade for Aunt Geneva and was passed down to me.

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