Monday, February 18, 2013

A Favorite Snack

49/365 - A Favorite Snack

In a Dish, With a Spoon, On a Plate.
A great day at work is when Joyce shows up with her WARM chocolate chip cookies at 8:00AM. No matter what is going on, it will be a good day.
Joyce has been bringing in her warm cookies for us for at least 10 years now and maybe longer. There have been days in the past that I didn't eat anything all day except her cookies. Yes, I think I hold the all time record for how many cookies I have eaten. Not so sure you should be proud of a record like that I kinda am.
She brings them to her class every test day and we also get our own bag. We try to keep track of her test schedule just so we can expect our treats.
I love to snack and I'm sure there are a lot of snacks that could fall into the favorites category but Joyce showed up with these this morning I knew this had to be the picture.
Thanks Joyce for the cookies and providing my picture of the day.

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