Friday, February 01, 2013

Heartfelt Sentiments

32/365 - Heartfelt Sentiments

Words, A Note, A Sweetheart.
My usual pattern is to look at the prompt for the day and the email first think in the morning and then think about it until I come up with an idea.
I had a couple of things pop into my head but when I really thought about heartfelt sentiments I thought of the cross stitch picture that I stitched for my dear Grandma Grace several years ago. I found this pattern and I loved every single word it couldn't have been more true for my Grandma. She was the most precious gracious person you would ever meet.
This sampler hung in her home and then moved with her to the nursing home. It was even read at her funeral.
I spent so much time with my Grandma and loved all the memories we made. She was a huge part of my life and for that I am so grateful. She has been gone for almost 22 years now and I still miss her so much. But as the sentiment says, what my Grandma gave me will never fade and can never be taken away.

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