59/365 - Up Close and Personal
A Sentiment, A Smile, A Detail.
I have to be honest and say that this was not taken on Feb 28th as it was suppose to be. I DID take a picture that day but it really didn't do anything for me. Then the next day, March 1st, I was able to take some really close up shots of birds at my Mom and Dads house. When I saw these pictures I knew I wanted to use one of these rather than the boring picture I took on the right day.
Right outside the big bay window in my Mom and Dad's kitchen is a very large bird feeder that my Dad made. Its a big center post with four arms out from the post with long feeders on each arm. They have tons of birds and so many different kinds. The morning I took this, there were 3 different kinds of woodpeckers, all kinds of bright red cardinals, finches and many other kinds of birds. At one time there wer 17 doves on the ground eating the spilled food.
It looks weird but I like the blurry bird in the background.