Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mary Poppins on Broadway

Today we started out going to see the big tree at Rockefellow Center. Then we went to American Girl on 5th Ave, then headed down 5th Ave to FAO Swartz. Walked by Central Park, then to the M&M store.
That evening Sherry, Brian and I took Blake and Grace to see the broadway show Mary Poppins. After we found our seats, which were very good seats by the way, Brian asked the kids if they wanted to go see where the music came from. He was going to show them the orchestra pit. When they got out in the aisle, Grace turned around and said "Nana, if it starts before we get back, tell the man to pause it". She had no idea what was going to happen on that stage.
They both seemed to enjoy it. Grace was pretty quiet but Blake laughed alot and was in to the show. After the show Blake wanted an umbrella like Mary Poppins, so Sherry got it for him and Grace to share. This was the billboard right outside the front door.
After the show we went to Times Square to meet up with Amy, Caleb and Gary. They got to NY at 8:30. The kids were glad to see their daddy.

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