Friday, September 14, 2012

Quilting Again

The last time Pops and Granny were here, they took two of my finished quilts home with them to have them quilted at the senior center. Pops called the first of the week and said they were both done and they ended up being cheaper than he thought. I was very excited about getting them done.

Now the deal was, he would have them quilted and then when I got the KC Star quilt done he would have it quilted and keep it. That was okay with me. Well, since he took two of my quilts and had them done, he now wants two quilts for himself.

Actually he wants the KC Star quilt and Mom wants the cross stitch quilt that we made several years ago. Mom, myself, Debbie my sister-in-law and a friend from work all cross stitched big blocks of pictures of quilts. I put the blocks together but never got it finished. She really wants this quilt finished.

I went and bought some more border material and came home and got it all cut out. Now I have to get busy and work on it.

Pops and Granny will be coming up in two weeks and I have to finish putting the border on this quilt and making the last 2 blocks for the KC Star quilt and put the blocks together. I work better under pressure.

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