Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Pirate Night" at Krispie Kreme Donuts

Today was "Talk like a Pirate" day. Blake called me at work this morning and asked if we could take him to Krispie Kreme because you could get free donuts. I told him we would go after supper.

If you came in to KK and talked like a pirate, you got a free donut. But if you came in dressed like a pirate, you got a free dozen donuts.

When we got there to pick the kids up they had their pirate stuff on so we headed to KK. When we walked in, Grandpa told Gage what to say and of course he repeated it. He had a a sword and a telescope so they handed him a free dozen. Then, Blake and Grace walked up to the counter and they handed them both a free dozen.

We sat at a table and proceeded to devour one whole dozen. Blake and Grace went to town on the hot donuts. We spent quite a bit of time watching the donuts being made. All in all, it was a very successful "pirate night" at Krispie Kreme.

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