Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Pedal Tractor Pull

Johnson County Fair in Gardner. Blake entered the pedal tractor pull again this year. He won his age group last year. This year he didn't fair quite as well. He wasn't in the top 2 places to qualify for state. When we started to leave, he asked me if he won. I told him he didn't and he wanted to know why. I told him some other kids went farther than he did. He wanted to know if he got to go to the big pedal pull and I told him no. He wanted to know why. I told him he could try it again next year and that seemed to satisfy him. He was sad for a little bit but quickly got over it when we went to eat and ride the rides.

Grace was old enough to enter this year. She did good for her first time. She didn't win either but she was sure excited about doing it.

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