Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting Ready For Camping

Getting prepared for the Hunt Family Labor Day camp out. A couple of years ago we decided to split up the menu and grocery list so everyone wasn't bringing the same thing. It sures makes a difference in the amount you have to buy and pack.

This year however, one person didn't bring one item on the list they were suppose to and they heard about it the rest of the week-end. Who was it you asked, well it was me, of all people, the one that made the list.

I highlighted everything that I was suppose to bring and then made my grocery list. You will notice for Sat. lunch I was suppose to bring mustard but it wasn't highlighted and therefore, never made it to my list.

Oh well, if they weren't giving me a hard time about this, it would be something else. You can bet we will have PLENTY of mustard next year.

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