Friday, August 31, 2012

"Playing" Bubbles

We left Friday morning to drive to Devil's Den in Ark for the camp out. Just as soon as we got there and started to set up the camper, we gave Gage his bubbles. He was happy and out of the way the whole time we were getting things set up. The boy loves his bubbles. He calls it "playing bubbles".

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This is the screen saver on my computer at work. No matter what is going on, or how bad the day can get, you just have to calm down when you see this. This is about the most peaceful place I could imagine.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting Ready For Camping

Getting prepared for the Hunt Family Labor Day camp out. A couple of years ago we decided to split up the menu and grocery list so everyone wasn't bringing the same thing. It sures makes a difference in the amount you have to buy and pack.

This year however, one person didn't bring one item on the list they were suppose to and they heard about it the rest of the week-end. Who was it you asked, well it was me, of all people, the one that made the list.

I highlighted everything that I was suppose to bring and then made my grocery list. You will notice for Sat. lunch I was suppose to bring mustard but it wasn't highlighted and therefore, never made it to my list.

Oh well, if they weren't giving me a hard time about this, it would be something else. You can bet we will have PLENTY of mustard next year.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gift from Kelley

When Brad and Kelley were up over the week-end, Kelley brought me a present. The sunflower candle is one of our favorites and they only have it available a couple of times a year. Kelley found one and bought it for me. It smells so good.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Grace

Happy 4th Birthday Grace. We went to Austins for dinner and then to their house for cake and presents. She got the big American Girl doll.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Carter

Happy 7th Birthday Carter. He still doesn't like or want birthday cake so it was Chick-Fil-A chocolate chip cookies for him. You can stick a candle in almost anything. But because there was only one, they lit it and blew it out 7 times.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Grace's Dance Party

Grace had her birthday party at the dance studio in Gardner. While she was waiting for the other little girls to arrive she sat and read a book. They all had a great time and did lots and lots of dancing.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Maesyn, 2 1/2 months old

Amy dropped the kids off while she ran to Sam's Club. I was able to get some updated pictures of Maesyn.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Book

Went to Barnes and Noble with Molly this afternoon and I picked up this book. We both thought it sounded really good and we both bought it. I have just barely started it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Book on Nook

Just about to finish "A Light Between Oceans" on the nook. It was a good book.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jentry Talking to Grandpa

After working full time this summer while my coworker was off, I am finally back to my normal schedule and normal routine.  Kids are back in school so Jentry gets to come and hang out with me.  Grandpa calls us during the day and Jentry always gets to talk to him.  He is just checking in on us to see what we are doing.

Monday, August 20, 2012


We went to the MNU Presidents dinner tonight and didn't get home until late. I sat down just long enough to look at facebook real quick and then started to head to bed. Realized I hadn't taken a picture so the exciting picture for this evening was the iPad.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012


We were on our way to meet Geoff and Molly at Longhorn for dinner when it started getting really dark and stormy looking ahead of us. The sun peaked out behind us and there was a rainbow. By the time we got to the restaurant the darkness had almost taken over and the rainbow was all but gone.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Downtown Olathe

The weather is still really nice and cool so after dinner I wanted to go somehwere and take pictures. I didn't want to drive a long ways so we went downtown Olathe between the courthouse and administration building. I was wanting to play with early evening sunlight. I took lots of pictures and had several that I could have used but I thought this one told the story.

Brian is always so good to take me whenever and wherever I want to take pictures and practice my photography. We got out of the car and he told me to take as long as I wanted. I noticed he had his Nook in his hand so was planning on getting some reading done. I walked around and then circled back and this is what it looked like from where I was. I think this picture represents calm, peace and contentment.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Ren Fest

Brian played golf for the afternoon, then he came home and got me. We went back to Bonner to ride the horses. We hadn't ridden them for several weeks because it was just too hot. The weather had turned really nice so it was very enjoyable to be back on the horses. I'm pretty sure Willy had missed me.

It was also media night at the Ren Fest. It's by invitation only and Brian always gets invited. Its free food so we usually take advantage of it. I didn't want to drag my camera around with me while we were eating so I quickly snapped a picture before we went in the front gate, then Brian ran my camera back to the car. Guess I was in too big a hurry tho, because the picture is not completely in focus.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blake's 6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday Blake.  After dinner at Applebee's, which was his choice, we went to Caleb and Amys for birthday cupcakes.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mystery Man

Let me begin by saying that I am very much a people watcher. Usually I can just watch and move on but tonight this man had my FULL attention. Brian and I went to Mannys for dinner. Our table sat cattywompas (I'm pretty sure that isn't a real word) to this mans table. Brian's back was to him but I was facing him. I noticed him when I first walked in but something about him, I just couldn't keep from looking at him. He didn't look up very much so I could watch him without being noticed. He was nicely dressed and seemed very proper and polite. The more I watched him the more I became interested in him. I wanted to know where he lived, why he was there by himself, if he came there often. The questions were filling my mind.

After watching him for some time I got my camera out. The plan was to get a picture of the food or maybe the Mannys menu but at this point I knew my picture was going to be of this man. I sat my camera on the table so I didn't have to look through it and took the picture. Well, actually I tooks LOTS of pictures. The angle wasn't good and the lighting was bad. I just kept snapping away. I was looking at my pictures that I had taken and trying to carry on a conversation with Brian so I didn't look obvious, when all of a sudden he gets his little pocket camera out and stretches out his arm and grins really big and takes his own picture. OH WOW! Now I am more interested than ever. After he took his own picture he did look at me and smiled.

By this time I had taken so many pictures of him that Brian said he was sure the man knew what I was doing. He finished his meal and ordered dessert, sopapilla's. Thats how much I was into this man and his dinner. When the waiter brought his dessert, he asked the waiter to take his picture. He put on a Veteran cap and picked up his spoon, grinned really big and the waiter took his picture. Again he looked at me and smiled. I did catch him looking at me out of the top of his eyes over his glasses so maybe Brian was right. But it didn't keep me from watching him.

He finished his meal, paid and left. As he walked by, he smiled at me again. After he left I just kept thinking about him and how much I wanted to know his story. I very seriously contemplated talking to him but just couldn't quite get the nerve to do it. I wanted to ask him a few questions. I wonder what I would have learned had I been able to talk to him. Maybe the things I imagined about him were more exciting than his real story BUT, maybe not. There might have been some very interesting information there that he was just waiting to tell someone.

Well, I will never know the mans story. I wonder what would happen tho, if we took a little time and really noticed the people around us and were able to find out their story. Something to think about. Maybe next time I will get the nerve to speak to the person because I feel like I really missed an opportunity with this one.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Dessert for the day was pineapple upside down cake. It doesn't look near as good as Geneva's use to, but she made hers in an cast iron skillet and I don't even own an cast iron skillet. It will do for mine and Brian's sweet tooth.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Einstein Bros Bagels

We had a Sat that we didn't have anything to do or any place to be. Thats a nice feeling to not have a schedule. About mid morning we went to Einstein Bros and got a bagel to enjoy. Nice relaxing day. Gave me lots of time to catch up on my 365 blog:)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Balloon Glow

 A little before dark tonight, after we had been watching the Olympics Brian wanted to go out to the balloon fest for the balloon glow. We went last year and it was really neat to see and it looked like they had more balloons this year.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Cooler Temps Finally

Thank goodness cooler weather is coming. I can't wait to open up the house and air it out. 60's at night is going to be so nice.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Creative - Not

This was a very weak attempt at being creative for my pic of the day.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Pedal Tractor Pull

Johnson County Fair in Gardner. Blake entered the pedal tractor pull again this year. He won his age group last year. This year he didn't fair quite as well. He wasn't in the top 2 places to qualify for state. When we started to leave, he asked me if he won. I told him he didn't and he wanted to know why. I told him some other kids went farther than he did. He wanted to know if he got to go to the big pedal pull and I told him no. He wanted to know why. I told him he could try it again next year and that seemed to satisfy him. He was sad for a little bit but quickly got over it when we went to eat and ride the rides.

Grace was old enough to enter this year. She did good for her first time. She didn't win either but she was sure excited about doing it.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Lunchroom Trays

We have been eating dinner in the living room every night so we can watch the Olympics. Tonight we had too many things and it was going to be too many different dishes. One for the hamburger helper, another bowl for the salad and a saucer for the biscuits. I got out the school lunch trays that we bought at Target a long time ago and thats what we used. It made it so easy to eat our dinner. These trays were bought for the grandkids but they don't use them very often but we had fun with them.

Saturday, August 04, 2012


We took Noah and Carter golfing at a First Tee golf course. The course is set up for kids to learn how to play real golf. The boys loved it and wanted to play a second round but it was so hot we didn't. I'm sure we will be going back when the weather cools off some and taking Blake with us.

Friday, August 03, 2012

The Short & Long of It

 We were out at Caleb and Amy's tonight and Amy Nail was there. Her and I were sitting on the couch and she looked at my feet and about fell off the couch laughing. She said she had never seen such tiny short toes. We decided to get a picture of the huge difference in our toes, not to mention the difference in tanned and not tan skin

Thursday, August 02, 2012


I cleaned out a whole bunch of files tonight and needed to throw away lots of papers. I like to shred stuff with numbers on it so Brian did the shredding while I cleaned out the files. Exciting evening huh?

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Finished Fob

The finished scissors fob. Our living room just isn't the best place to take pictures at night. I can't get the lighting right.