Friday, April 27, 2012

Starbucks in Barnes and Noble

Brian and I went out with Geoff and Molly for the evening. We ate at California Pizza Kitchen on the Plaza. Of course, I had my camera with me so Molly and I played around taking some pictures.

After dinner and walking around a little bit we ended up at Barnes and Noble (mine and Mollys favorite place). We found a table in the Starbucks cafe and looked at lots of different photography books. We would read about something and then I would try it out with my camera.

I took some pictures of different views of the cafe and also some pictures of people. That is a real stretch for me. I don't usually take pictures of people I don't know. I don't think anyone realized I was taking their picture. This particular guy was really enjoying his book and from the look on his face, its must have been funny.

This inspired me to take more pictures of random people. We will see if I have the nerve to follow through with it. Who knows, I may even rub off on Molly, who won't hardly even look at another person, must less take their picture :)

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