Friday, April 20, 2012

Nazarene Night at Worlds of Fun

We took Blake and Grace to Nazarene Night at Worlds of Fun. The weather was a little chilly but at least it wasn't raining.

Brian and I have been going to Nazarene Night for 36 years and in those years we have gone in all kinds of weather. The first one we went to was in 1976 when we were dating. We went after we were married. Then after the boys came, we took them. When they were older, we went with the Jr High kids from church when we were sponsors. We went with the college kids from church when we worked with them. Then we had grandkids and we started with taking Noah when he was just big enough to go, not sure of the year. Last year we took Noah, Brooklynne, Carter and Jentry. This year it was Blake and Grace's turn. What fun.

We have missed a few years along the way but have made it to the majority of them. Maybe one of these days we will be able to take the great grandkids. :)

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