Saturday, January 03, 2015


This represents something really big for me.  For as long as I can remember, well, I guess forever, I have kept ALL my pictures.  I have thousands of pictures.

I have turned over a  new leaf.  It started in the middle of the year last year that I was able to delete more and more pictures.  I mean really, who needs 14 pictures of the same kid, standing in the same spot, doing the same thing with the same expression.  I realized scrapbook pages and digital photo books are more interesting when you have more variety in the pictures.

I started going through all my old photo albums starting with Brian and I dating and pulling pictures to scrapbook for family albums.  This is the stack of pictures I pulled to THROW AWAY.  I know, it makes me break out in hives and have sweaty palms.  BUT I CAN DO IT!

I have made great progress and am able to delete lots of my pictures when I upload them to Lightroom.  This is the new me and some people, especially Molly can't believe I have been able to do this.  Just for an example, I could take 80 pictures of a soccer game.  The really old me might delete 10.  Then I got to where I could possibly delete maybe 25-30.  The "new me" can now get it down to where I only keep around 15 pictures.   I know 15 is still a lot for the normal person BUT, look how far I have come.

Believe me, I still have tons of pictures but its a far cry from what I use to keep.  I feel so grown up and responsible now.  Old habits die hard BUT they can die.

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