Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Full Speed

65/365 - Full Speed

Fast, Moving, Action.
We took Dick Reinwald (the owner of the horses we ride) out to dinner at Talk of the Town. I was hoping to get a picture of a train going by. But of course there wasn't a train tonight. Any other time, especially if you were in a hurry or running late, there would be a train or maybe even two but not tonight.
We were driving home and I came up with this idea. I realize this look like full speed or even fast BUT the speed limit on Northgate is only 45 mph so we really were going full speed.
You may also notice that the Mountaineer has 210550 miles. It sure has been a good vehicle and I dread the day that it poops out.
This is the best I could get with such little light and slow shutter and lots of movement.

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