Sunday, March 31, 2013


90/365 - Baskets

Filled, Hidden, With Eggs.
Egg hunt is over. Eggs have been gathered up and the baskets stacked up for another year.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


89/365 - Dyed

With Color, Eggs, Soaked.
Keeping with the tradition, Pops dyed eggs with the great grandkids. There was only one dropped egg out of 7 kids and it was from Pops and Gage.
I love it that all the kids have had the special time with Pops dying Easter eggs.
I'm sure you noticed there wasn't a 88/365. Yep, I really did completely skip a day. I was upset about it at first but decided it wasn't anything to stress over, so I moved on.
We drove home from Wichita and Pops and Granny got here a little after we got home. The day got away from me and I just didn't think about it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


87/365 - Flowing

Water, A Beverage, A River.
We made a special trip to QT just so I could take this picture. But it wasn't wasted because I am always up for a drink from QT.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


86/365 - Hunt

Play, Chase, Pursue.
This photo has nothing to do with the prompt except the same name.
Brian and I went to Wichita to his HOA Building Officials annual meeting and this was his name badge.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


85/365 - Color

Flowers, In Nature, Complementary.
I got some pictures this morning while the kids were coloring their Easter pictures. I have the act of coloring and all the colors in the box in the background.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Pine Cone

84/365 - A Pine Cone

Solitary, On White, Brown.
I can't take credit for this picture but it was taken on the right day.
I got home from work and had already changed my clothes into my pajama pants and shirt when I remembered the prompt for the day. I didn't want to put my clothes back on and especially my snow boots to tromp through the snow to take the picture.
There is a large pine tree in the yard across the street from us. When Brian got home from work I asked him to take the camera and go see if he could find a pine cone in the tree. This is the picture he came back with. I'm thinking maybe he needs to be taking the pictures for this project because he did a great job on this one.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


83/365 - Landmark

A Feature, Prominent, A Marker.
This is the Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm Historic Site. Its here in Olathe. This is the last remaining stagecoach stop open to the public on the Sante Fe Trail.
The 160 acre farm was purchased in 1858 by J.B. and Lucinda Mahaffie. They operated a stagecoach stop fro the Barlow and Sanderson Stage Line from 1863 to 1869. The Mahaffies stayed at the farm until 1886.
The building to the left of the house is the original ice house. I like the way the place looks all covered in snow. Our 3rd big snow storm this winter.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


82/365 - Texture

Smooth, Rough, Detail.
This is my box of cross stitch thread. I love the way they look all lined up and straight. When you look at this picture, you can almost feel the thread between your fingers.
This is a very special thread box that they are kept in. Pops made this for me several years ago and it means so much to me.

Friday, March 22, 2013


81/365 - Nurture

Food, Rest, Movement
I'm not sure me or anyone else would describe me as nurturing but I would like to think I have done my part in nurturing my grandchildren.
I have been privileged to be able to stay home and keep all the grandkids at one time or another. And I hope I have helped encourage them while I took care of them.
These are Maesyn's toys and her walker. Its a part of our living room furniture and a part of our life.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


80/365 - Hiding

In the Bushes, On Your Desk, In the Fridge.
Can you find the hidden chewy spree???? I really didn't do a very good job hiding it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Plant Something

79/365 - Plant Something

Flowers, Potatoes, Seeds.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I don't grow ANYTHING. So this was a tough prompt. I thought I would feature the ONLY living plant in my house.
There is a story behind this philodendron. When my Mom and Dad got married over 60 years ago, my Dad's Aunt Wilmmomie gave them a start of this plant from one of her own. For years, I remember this plant sitting on a coffee table in our house.
When Brian and I got married, my Mom gave us a start off the same plant. That has been over 35 years ago now. I frequently give the plant a "haircut" and cut it way back then it fills out and keeps growing. Now my plant is a pale comparison to my Moms.
She transplanted hers into a large pot years ago and it sits in front of the patio door and to say its huge is an understatement.
At my Mom and Dads 50th wedding anniversary, we took a picture of them and Aunt Wilmommie with the philodendron.
I'm so impressed that I have kept the plant alive all these years. Guess that speaks to how hardy these plants really are. But it looks pretty good for 35 years. And my Moms looks great after 60 years.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Play a Game

78/365 - Play a Game

Pastime, Match, Sport.
The kids were on Spring Break this week so I didn't keep them today. I'm sure there would have been more interesting games being played if they were.
I can pass a lot of time at work playing Spider Solitaire. I play it at home some evenings. This is about the only computer game I play,

Monday, March 18, 2013


77/365 - Spots

A Mark, Circles, Dots.
You would think spots would be pretty easy and have lots of different options and opportunities. Well, I couldn't come up with any so thats when I had to call on Dr. Seuss.
Could have lightened this picture some.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wearing of the Green

76/365 - Wearing of the Green

You, Someone On the Street, A Friend.
I realize that yesterdays picture would have been perfect for todays prompt but I'm too much of a "do everything in order" person (or as some would say OCD) that I did another one for today.
Now this model wasn't quite as enthusiastic about about having her picture taken as the boys were yesterday. Amy was the only one wearing green today. I especially like the outfit with the sweats. She had already changes clothes when she got here after church.
I realize this picture is a little warm, but with the big light over the kitchen table shining on the side of her face, there wasn't much I could do about it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


75/365 - Green

Vegetables, Grass, Crayons.
We went downtown KC to do some shopping at Prydes. Its our favorite kitchen store and the have a whole room of just Fiesta dishes. On our way back out to Town Center Plaza, we found a St Patrick's Day parade that was lining up.
We walked up and down the street where everyone was getting ready for the parade. I took several pictures of different green things in the parade but this picture of these two boys was my favorite. They were more than willing to pose for my picture.

Friday, March 15, 2013

In a Field of Green

74/365 - In a Field of Green

Grass, Trees, Imagination.
There aren't many fields of green, or for that matter, anything green thats growing right now in the snowy cold Midwest. Brian and I were out and about but didn't see any big patches of green so I resorted to walking around the yard.
There are some signs of green coming up through the dead grass and leaves.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


73/365 - Branches

Collected, In a Tree, Growing.
Once again, our bradford pear trees are showing up in my 365 project. This shows all the different sized of branches from large older branches to the tiny ones that are showing new blooms.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


72/365 - Messy

Hands, Home, Desk.
I feel pretty good about having to go to the basement to find a mess. I pretty much keep stuff organized in the house, even drawers and closets. This is the catch-all space under the basement steps.
Quite a variety of items. An old bowling ball that hasn't been used in years, Christmas yard decorations, old paint, an old golf cart, the swing off the swing set and a piece of leftover carpet. And thats just the things I can see without digging through the pile.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


71/365 - Shamrock

Clover Shake, Green.
In all the years McDonalds has had shamrock shakes, this is the first time I have tried one. I did it just for the picture but it was really good so I'm sure there are more in my future.

Monday, March 11, 2013


70/365 - Liquid

In a Glass, Dark, At the Source.
My daily "big drink". I either stop at McDonalds or QT for a drink on the way to work. Today it was sweet tea but most of the time its a diet pop.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Pot of Gold

69/365 - A Pot of Gold

At the End of a Rainbow, Lucky, A Pretty Penny.
It was late and I hadn't done anything for this prompt so I walked around the house to find anything gold. This is the light fixture above the dining room table. Been wanting to change out all the gold for brushed nickel, but glad I still had this for the picture.

Saturday, March 09, 2013


68/365 - Me

The Equipment, In Progress, The Location.
Confession is good for the soul. I missed taking this picture on the day it was suppose to be taken. This is the first day I have missed in 14 1/2 months. Not bad if you ask me. I thought about skipping it all together but I did take it the very next day so I included it.
I know hate is a very strong word but I do hate pictures of myself. I don't like anything about them so this was my answer to just "kinda" be a picture of me.

Friday, March 08, 2013

A Hobby

67/365 - A Hobby

The Equipment, In Progress, The Location.
This pretty much sums up why I don't get much of anything done. I have TOO MANY hobbies, but I love them all.
Quilting, scrapbooking, cross stitching and reading. I have multiple projects going at one time so I flit from one to the other. This helps with getting bored because if I get tired of one thing I can go right to something else. On the negative side tho, I don't stay with anything long enough to get anything accomplished.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

In the Morning

66/365 - In the Morning

Sunrise, Routine, Breakfast.
Of course I don't get up in time to see the sun rise but before I left for work I stepped out on the front porch and got this picture. The sun is already up but its still low in the sky.
You can see that we can finally see patches of ground as the 24 inches of snow is melting.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Full Speed

65/365 - Full Speed

Fast, Moving, Action.
We took Dick Reinwald (the owner of the horses we ride) out to dinner at Talk of the Town. I was hoping to get a picture of a train going by. But of course there wasn't a train tonight. Any other time, especially if you were in a hurry or running late, there would be a train or maybe even two but not tonight.
We were driving home and I came up with this idea. I realize this look like full speed or even fast BUT the speed limit on Northgate is only 45 mph so we really were going full speed.
You may also notice that the Mountaineer has 210550 miles. It sure has been a good vehicle and I dread the day that it poops out.
This is the best I could get with such little light and slow shutter and lots of movement.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


64/365 - Lucky

Seven, Horseshoe, Rainbows.
This picture represents how lucky I am to have a job that is part time so I can spend two days a week keeping the grandkids. I have been able to stay home and keep all the kids at one time or another. When one would get old enough to go to school, there would be a new one born to take their place at Grandma's. I hope the kids feel lucky that they get to stay with Grandma instead of going to another babysitter.
This was taken in the afternoon after Blake, Grace, Gage and Maesyn left. Jentry and I made a trip to Oak Park mall and we stopped at Sonic for a treat. Jentry was lucky enough to get a slushy from Sonic.
I keep 5 right now but next year will be down to 3.

Monday, March 04, 2013


63/365 - Two

1+1, Double, A Pair.
When I walked in the door from work, these two doves were sitting on the deck railing. By the time I got my camera out to take the picture they flew from the deck to the fence behind us.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Upside Down

62/365 - Upside Down

A View, Inverted, Through the Lens.
Not at all exciting except that the quilt is finished finally. It was draped over the loveseat upside down.

Saturday, March 02, 2013


61/365 - Whimsical

Fanciful, Capricious, Dr. Seuss.
My Mom, Dad, Brian and I were riding in the car and we had just discussed the days prompt. I had no idea what I was going to photograph and was thinking it would be tough to pull this one off. Just as we headed through town, the Hamurglar was out in front of the McDonalds so Pops pulled in the parking lot for me to get my pic of the day.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Sweet Rest

60/365 - Sweet Rest

Dreams, Bedtime, Eyes Closed.
I'm stretching the prompt again. Not sure many people can relate but this really is sweet rest for my Mom and Dad. It was opening day of trout fishing at Roaring River and my brother has what he calls a Redneck Holiday out at his property. There is always a big crowd. It was cold and snowy this year so everyone pretty much stood around the big fire pit. Pops and Granny were the only ones that got chairs and were able to sit for the afternoon. They were able to sit, rest and visit with all the people.