Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Grandma's Crochet Hook

This picture really has alot of meaning for me. The quality of the picture isn't that great but the significance of the crochet hook is monumental.

The crochet hook belonged to my Grandma. When she moved to the nursing home, we had to label all her belongings so thats the reason for the piece of paper that says Grace L.
I have decided to start crocheting for our prayer shawl ministry at my work. I know how to crochet but haven't done a whole lot of it. Haven't picked it up for a very long time.

When I got my stuff out to start, I got out the crochet hook and the memories started flooding my mind. I sat there for quite some time just remembering my Grandma.
She was the sweetest, most gracious, patient, loving person ever. I was lucky enough to grow up in the same town as her so I spent lots and lots of time at her house.

I looked at the hook and wondered how many hours it had spent in my Grandma's hand. How many afghans, hats, scarves, mittens and baby things she had created with it. She was always busy making something. She would be crocheting, doze off, wake up and start right back where she left off. We use to tease her about it and she would just smile at us.

Sure wish she was around today for me to share my sewing, quilting, embroidery and crocheting projects with. I'm sure my love for these things came from her as she was the one that taught me some of them. She would have loved every minute.

I was so blessed with a very special Grandma in my life. If I can become half the person she was I will have accomplished alot.

I miss her often but today it was very near to my heart as I held her crochet hook and rememered her so fondly.

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