Thursday, February 16, 2012

Funny Haircut Story

This is probably gross but its also funny. I knew I wanted my picture for the day to have something to do with my haircut. At the end of the year I will be able to see how many hair cuts I had. I decided I wanted the picture to be of the hair she cut off. Stephanie (my hair stylist) is so fun and she is very excited about my 365 project.

When she got done cutting my hair I went to change my shirt and she said she would sweep up the hair in a pile for the picture. When I got back she was down on the floor shaping the pile of hair into the letter J. She was laughing and I was laughing and we took the picture. When we looked at it we thought it was kinda gross but we were both laughing at what we had done. I knew that even if it is digusting I was going to keep it. Not just because of the hair, or the haircut but because we had fun being goofy creating the picture.

Thanks Stephanie

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