Monday, May 20, 2013

Where I Live

140/365 - Where I Live

Home, Street, Town.

Okay, some more skipped days, three to be exact.  Sometimes I struggle with doing pictures from the prompt ideas.  We went to Cassville for the week-end and I did have some ideas but didn't make the effort to drive to get the pictures.  I got tired of trying to come up with my own picture ideas last year but not sure I'm fond of always taking a prompt picture.  I may shift gears here, midstream.  My pictures may not always represent the prompt list.  There may be something else that I want to capture.  Its my project, I can do what I want.  There isn't  365 police.

This is the front of our house taken in very bright sunlight.  Can't even see the porch swing behind the mammoth trees.

1 comment:

  1. 365 police :) You crack me up!

    Lovely picture of the house.... and I am glad to hear that you are going to relax and just photograph what you wish.
