Monday, May 20, 2013

Where I Live

140/365 - Where I Live

Home, Street, Town.

Okay, some more skipped days, three to be exact.  Sometimes I struggle with doing pictures from the prompt ideas.  We went to Cassville for the week-end and I did have some ideas but didn't make the effort to drive to get the pictures.  I got tired of trying to come up with my own picture ideas last year but not sure I'm fond of always taking a prompt picture.  I may shift gears here, midstream.  My pictures may not always represent the prompt list.  There may be something else that I want to capture.  Its my project, I can do what I want.  There isn't  365 police.

This is the front of our house taken in very bright sunlight.  Can't even see the porch swing behind the mammoth trees.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

A Wide Angle

124/365 - A Wide Angle

The Big Picture, Not Narrow, Less Than 50 MM.

Finally got organized and started my big project of scrapbooking all our old pictures.  It took the scrapbook desk, the cutting/ironing table, the sewing desk and even an extra tray table to get everything spread out and organized.  Now if I can stay with it to get it done.
The problem is, I love to organize and get a project started but it usually ends there.  I just hope this one will be different.

Friday, May 03, 2013


123/365 - Orange

Citrus, Carrots, Juice.
Went to McDonalds for lunch today with Jentry. This is the orange drink in the fountain machine. This was a rare time when we went in and didn't just drive through.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Those Eyes

122/365 - Those Eyes

A Friend, A Family Member, A Love.
I had thought I would catch a picture of Noah, Brooklynne or Carters eyes at the art fair at their school tonight. But as we were waiting for Noah's choir to sing, Jentry decided she was ready to leave. She can really look pitiful and sad when wants to. She was pouring it on thick to Jennifer, pleading her case. You can't really see her eyes that good but believe me, they were welling with tears. You can even see Jennifer's eye.
She has learned to use this little act to get what she wants and she even has the pathetic little shaky voice to go along with it.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Eye Love

121/365 - Eye Love

A LIst, A Sign, Loves.
I interpreted this prompt as something your eye loves to see. We have been taking advantage of the half price milk shakes after 8:00 at Sonic. The kids love to go get shakes. Brian is the one that thought of this sign when I told him what the prompt was.