Thursday, April 18, 2013

Passed Down

108/365 - Passed Down

Treasured, Used, Heirloom.
I have been collecting these jewel tea dishes for several years. Most of the pieces have come from flea markets and Pops has bought most of them. He says they are really his dishes and I'm just storing them for him.
There are a couple of pieces that have come from family. I have the little pot that sat on the stove to hold grease, not sure of the proper name for it, and it was Grandma Grace's. This piece is a cake plate that belonged to Brian's Grandma Buchanan. I was lucky enough to get it when she died.
My Mom tells me that jewel tea was sold by a door to door salesman way back in the day. Mom said that when Grandma would see him coming she would tell my Mom, "the jewel tea man is coming, go to the back of the house". Grandma and Mom would hide so she didn't have to answer the door.

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