With Your Phone, Movable, Versatile.
Could have had a good mobile picture today. Brian has outpatient surgery on his arm and I could have taken a picture of him as they wheeled his bed to surgery BUT I didn't have my camera with me, such a no no.
Instead, I went to the basement and took a picture of all the kids riding toys. We haven't done anything to the basement because the kids love to go down there and ride these things as fast as they can. When one kids says lets go to the basement, they all start calling which bike they get. There are lots of fights and tears because of having to share certain bikes but for the most part they do fine.
You will also notice the big break in the drywall behind the bikes. Well, it wasn't the kids. Brian went down one evening to play with the kids. We were upstairs and all of a sudden we heard this horrible noise. We were quiet for a second and didn't hear anyone crying. Then the kids were running up the stairs to tell us "Grandpa broke the wall". Brian had ridden the little pink scooter and hit the wall and fell into it. The kids thought that was the greatest thing ever. After seeing the hole in the sheetrock, I was surprised he wasn't hurt.