Friday, May 25, 2012

Zeus and Duce II

I have always told the kids that I will babysit anytime, but I don't pet sit for any reason. Bring me the kids but make other arrangements for the dogs. Well, I relented just a little this weekend.

Nick, Jenn and kids went camping for Memorial weekend and they did find someone to take care of the dogs but the bearded dragons needed to be taken care of. I said we could take care of them if they brought them over to our house. So our houseguests for the weekend are Zeus and Duce II. Zeus is the lizard we got Noah for his birthday and he saved up his money to buy another one so Zeus could have a friend. The first one was named Duce but his life was very short (a week) so the pet store replaced him with another lizard thus the name Duce II. They actually are kinda fun to watch. Just hope nothing happens while they are in our care.

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