Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Visit from Donna

My dear dear friend Donna came to town for a visit. Haven't seen her in a very long time since she moved to Mt Vernon, OH. We went to lunch at Jose Peppers (where else?) then to Vera Bradley and Bath and Body Works. We came home and got Brian and went to Brobeck BBQ for dinner. Brian and Donna love his ribs so they share a slab. After dinner we went to Barnes and Noble. These were all of our favorite places to go when she lived here. The visit was way too short but I will take what I can get to be with my friend.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Doctors Office

 I have had a sinus infection for over two weeks now and decided it wasn't going to go away by itself. Finally made a Dr.s appointment and sure enough he confirmed my self diagnosis. Kinda lame for a picture of the day but this was the most exciting thing that happened today.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It is a tradition that when the girls are pregnant, we go to Build-a-Bear and make a bear for the new baby. After the firstborn, which the Mom made the bear, then the next sibling got to make the bear. Noah made Brooklynne's, Blake made Graces and so on. Gage got to make the new babys bear. He wasn't too fond of the sound the stuffing machine made when you stepped on the pedal but he got the bear made, with a little help from Blake and Grace. Gage carry's the new bear (named Frank the tank) proudly.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Deck Railing

Another picture of the deck. Progress is being made. We got all but just a tiny section of the railing up. It looks so much better than our old wood railing. Brian got most of the grill area done. Now just to finish the grill section and put the steps across the end and it will be done.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Celebration at the Station

Brian and I went to Celebration at the Staion at Union Station again this year. We have attended this event for a few years now. This year they had the Air Force band first and then they always have the Kansas City Symphony. They play patriotic and classical music. We pack our supper and several snacks and head down early in the afternoon to get our seats staked out. The AF band played at 4:30 and the then symphony started at 7:30. When the symphony is done, the fireworks begin. Its a great fireworks show and I heard someone say that is lasted 28 minutes this year. Its a fun day and has kinda become a tradition for us on Memorial weekend.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fiesta Dishes at Prydes in Westport

Made a trip to Prydes housewares store in Westport. They have the biggest selection of fiesta dishes in the area. We have bought a lot of our dishes there. Added a few more extra pieces to our collection today. This is a very small portion of the dishes they have displayed. Can't wait to add another color to my collection.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Zeus and Duce II

I have always told the kids that I will babysit anytime, but I don't pet sit for any reason. Bring me the kids but make other arrangements for the dogs. Well, I relented just a little this weekend.

Nick, Jenn and kids went camping for Memorial weekend and they did find someone to take care of the dogs but the bearded dragons needed to be taken care of. I said we could take care of them if they brought them over to our house. So our houseguests for the weekend are Zeus and Duce II. Zeus is the lizard we got Noah for his birthday and he saved up his money to buy another one so Zeus could have a friend. The first one was named Duce but his life was very short (a week) so the pet store replaced him with another lizard thus the name Duce II. They actually are kinda fun to watch. Just hope nothing happens while they are in our care.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blake's Preschool Graduation

Graduation night at Open Arms, Blakes preschool. They had a program and sang lots of songs. They were also presented with diplomas. However, before they left the stage I was standing on the edge by the platform to take pictures and Blake opened his up and said, "there isn't anything on here". The paper was blank because they had put the actual certificate in a binder with all his other papers and pictures. The look of disappointment on his face was so funny.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bible Clubhouse Program

Tonight was Honeybees and Bible Clubhouse program and awards at church. Carter and Blake got certificates for Bible Clubhouse and Carter got a Bible because he will moving up to Caravans next year.

Jentry and Grace are honeybees and they sang but didn't get any certificates.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shopping at NFM

We went horseback riding in Bonner again tonight. Thought I had taken enough horse pictures for awhile so didn't take my camera on the ride.

After riding, we went to eat and then headed to Nebraska Furniture Mart to look at patio furniture. I want some really comfy chairs and love seat for the new patio. We don't need another table and chairs, just sit around and read and visit furniture. They had some really nice sets with a REALLY nice pricetag. Needless to say, we will be looking other places.

Today was Granny's 79th birthday and when I talked to her this morning she was having a good birthday. Happy Birthday Granny!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Seven Grands

Nick and Jenn were busy with the Sr banquet at church so she dropped the kids off at my work about 4:30. Amy dropped her kids off about 6:00. Brian thought we should do something different besides play at home and jump on the trampoline so we packed a picnic supper and headed to Black Hoof park in Lenexa. It is a really nice new park. We played, ate, walked the trail by the lake and played some more. I pleaded with them to please take one group picture and they cooperated nicely. Thought the picture turned out good. Didn't do any editing, picture is SOOC.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Relaxing on the Deck

Brian worked all afternoon on the deck. He got all the floor done, the platform started for the grill and counter top and got all the old rail down on the ends. It already feels so much bigger and nicer out there just having the rail down between the two floors. Brian finished and showered and went out to enjoy the fruits of his labor. I'm guessing he will be doing alot of this on his new deck.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Caleb's Family

We went with Caleb, Amy and the kids to the new Legoland at Crown Center. When we were done we walked around outside for awhile. Got this family picture of 5 before they become a family of 6. Of course Gage wouldn't stand still so he is a little blurry. If he did stand still we would think something was wrong with him.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Brooklynne Singing the National Anthem

Today was the talent show at Northview, the kids school. Last year Brooklynne played the piano but this year she wanted to sing. And the song she picked.....the National Anthem. She did an awsome job, brought this Grandma to tears.

Wish this was a better picture but they would change colors of spotlights on the kids and they chose a blueish one for her and it didn't do well in the pictures and I couldn't do anything to correct it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Deck Progression

The deck is coming right along. Brian thinks it really big but I have told him there is no such thing as too big a deck. Can't wait to have it finished and start using it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lamp Lighting

I haven't done much with little or no light and since I really didn't have a picture in mind for today, I pracitced with very low light pictures. This is the light in our bathroom reflected in the mirror. You can also see the light from the scentsy plug in. Not bad for a beginner.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Brian and His Deck Helpers

The kids were here when Brian was working on the deck so they helped him out. They each had their own job. Grace handed nails to Grandpa and Blake put hangers on the boards. And believe me, there was no sharing or doing each others jobs. Pretty sure Grandpa liked having helpers.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kids in Bed

On Monday nights that Amy has to work, Caleb brings the kids in to spend the night. It works out better for all us. If he didn't do that, then he has to get them up between 5 and 5:30 am to get them in here before he has to go to work. We pretty much have it down to a routine now. They like spending the night with us. Don't let Grace fool you, she is just pretending.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Brooklynne Singing at Church

Brooklynne was in the kids music program at church this evening. She performed very well and she looked like she was really having a good time singing. It was a very enjoyable program and fun to watch her sing.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Granny's Surprise Birthday

We surprised Granny with an early birthday party. I think her face pretty much says it all right here. She looks very excited about the cake being presented by her grandsons. Not too often do I get a picture of both boys when they are behaving themselves.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Baby Dove

Pops and Granny came up for the week-end. It was beautiful weather so we went out on the deck to sit for awhile. We have doves alot that sit on the rail and there are usually several of them. Today, this little baby dove was there and he didn't leave when we went out to sit. Even after I went in and got my camera and came out to take pictures, he still didn't fly away. We had about decided he didn't know how to fly yet. I started getting closer and closer and he showed us that he really could fly. He just went to a branch in the tree that is a little farther from the deck and sat watched us the rest of the time.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Willy the Horse

Another night of horseback riding in Bonner Springs. This is the horse I ride. His name is Willy and we are becoming very good friends. I'm really enjoying the riding and so glad I tried it a few weeks ago even when I was nervous about it.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Old Store

We were on our way to Stilwell to help Andy Spruill install a microwave over his stove when we drove by this old abandon store. It caught my eye and I knew that was what I wanted for my picture of the day.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Learning Lightroom 4

Molly came over to demonstrate the photo editing and organizing program Lightroom.  I have installed the 30 day free trial but wanted to make sure it was something that I could use before I bought it.  Molly is so patient with me, teaching me stuff on the computer.  She makes everything look so easy and it just doesn't work out that way for me, the computer challenged.  If I learn this program before she pulls all her hair out or gives up on me then that will be quite the accomplishment.  Thanks Molly!!!!

Monday, May 07, 2012

The New Deck

The deck project has begun. We have wanted to enlarge the existing deck for a couple of years now. I think is it actually going to happen now. Brian got the posts set tonight.

Sunday, May 06, 2012


Stormy, stormy night. Thunderstorms, lightning strikes, hail, tornados and flooding, all in the matter of about 45 minutes.

This is the corner at our house. Usually there is a sidewalk between the tree and stop sign. The water came up very fast but it also went down fast. Made for a very eventful night.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Blake - Soccer

Saturday at the soccer park in Gardner. Blake and Grace both play. We really enjoy watching them play but 8:00 and 9:00 AM is a little early for a Sat.

I know it probably looks like I have dropped the ball on my 365 project, but, I haven't missed a day taking the pictures but got really behind on posting them. Hopefully won't get this behind again. The picture taking is the easy part, keeping up on posting is the hard part.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Kelley and Her Milkshake

Brad and Kelley came up to pack Katie and move her from MNU back home for the summer. We met them for dinner at Red Robin. Kelley and I shared the new salted caramel milkshake. Good choice.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Fresh Corn-on-the-Cob

This is our 2nd batch of home grown corn-on-the-cob from Hy-Vee. Both batches have been so good. I'm sure there will be many more meals with fresh corn. One of the great things about summer.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


The new Jack-in-the-Box opened Monday on 119th. We have never had these around here so this is something new for us. We tried it out for dinner tonight.  It was okay, just another fast food hamburger joint.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Gage's Tear

Okay, I have made it one whole week without taking my 50mm lens off. Can't really say that I am getting any better with it but at least I am still using it.

Did okay with capturing Gage (he was actually still for 30 seconds), his eyes and the lone tear. I had accidentally scratched him on his cheek and he cried for a little bit but got over it pretty quickly.

Pictures inside turn out a little better during daylight. Most of the ones I have tried have been at night with little or no light.

I am officially 1/3 way through my project with todays picture.