Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Michael Phelps Makes History

Tonight Michael Phelps set a new record the most Olympic medals. The record was 19 and with this race he won a gold medal and that gave him a total of 20 medals. It was very exciting to watch history being made.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Last Minute Picture

It was time to go to bed and I realized I had not taken a picture. I ran the dishwasher after dinner and on my way to bed I opened it up to cool and dry, so thats the pic for today.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Stitching

Already using my stitching nest. I'm working on a scissor fob from Shepards Bush.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Stitching Nest

I have kinda had the stitching itch lately so when I cleaned house this morning, I created me a comfortable stitching nest with all the necessary things.  Now hopefully I will actually use it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Nick, Jenn and the kids came over to watch them with us. They were good but I thought they got a little long and boring. But the lighting of the torch was really different and I enjoyed that part. I know what we will be doing everynight for the next two weeks.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blueberry Muffins

Needed a pic for the day and my fall back is usually food, so here is the yummy struesel topping blueberry muffins.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yarn, Yarn and More Yarn

We had prayer shawl ministry meeting yesterday and a lady had given our group 3 huge garbage bags of yarn. They went through two of them at the meeting and then today we dumped the last bag in our work room to go through it at lunch time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hot, Hot Summer

I'm sure this isn't the hottest day we have had but it has been so hot and its been the driest summer on record. This over 100 degree temps are getting really old. It doesn't even cool down at night. Hate to see the electric bill this month.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Another Book - The Four Seasons

Started a new book about four sisters. Didn't get very far but it has started out good.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

7 Layer Bars - YumYum

It sure is quiet here today. The kids went home last night. Made some 7 layer bars because I had craved them for a couple of days. Looks like we did a good job eating them while they warm.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


We took the kids to Legoland. We got there about 10:00am and at 1:00 everyone was getting hungry but they weren't ready to leave. We got our hands stamped for re-entry, went to Manny's to rest and eat lunch and then we went back for another 3 hours. Needless to say, the kids loved it.  Noah and Carter spent most of their time making cars and racing them on the racetrack. A fun day.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Donuts at Krispy Kreme

After dinner, Grandpa surprised us with a trip to Krispy Kreme for "hot" donuts. The kids like watching them being made as much as they like to eat them. Grandma on the other hand, loves to eat them. Thanks Grandpa.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Carter's Hairdo

Tonight Carter did his own hair after his bath. What can you say?????  He is creative :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Noah & Grandpa Making a Model Car

While we were at Hobby Lobby yesterday, Noah found a model car that he wanted to put together. He asked Grandpa about it tonight and after dinner they went and bought it and came home and worked on it. They got it done and Noah was pretty excited about it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brooklynne Scrapbooking

Brooklynne brought over her scrapbooking stuff and we got her pictures printed so she could start her scrapbook. She worked on it a long time. She is doing a book for the cruise we took in Jan. She loves doing this kind of stuff.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Slumber Party

Since we had 4 of the kids, whats two more. Tonight was a slumber party at Grandma and Grandpas. After all the baths were taken it was time to calm down before bed. They are all very engrossed in a movie, even Grandpa.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Lizards

Nick and Jenn left on mission trip yesterday so the kids AND the lizards are staying with us all week.  I thought this was pretty cute, with the little one catching a ride on the big one.  And NO they are not making little lizards.  Duce II is just a baby himself.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pops Holding Maesyn

It was Pops turn to get his picture taken holding Maesyn.  Pops has called her "muffin" from the day she was born and I'm pretty sure thats what she will always be to him.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Granny Meets Maesyn

Pops and Granny came up to meet Maesyn for the first time.  I think they approved of her and she seemed to like them too.  Love pictures with the "Great" grandparents.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our Hy-Vee Grocery Store

We had to go to the store tonight before we could make dinner.  This is where we buy all our groceries and sometimes we come here several times a week.  We love our Hy-Vee.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blake with McDonalds Ice Age Toy

I met Amy and the kids for lunch at McDonalds. The new Ice Age movie toys were out so we had to get them. Blake can't wait to go see the movie.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Book I'm Currently Reading

This is the current book I am reading. I read the first book this author wrote and really liked it and so far this book is good too. Anxious to see how it ends.

Monday, July 09, 2012

New Scrapbook Stuff

Got my order from Jennifer from her Stampin Up party. Now I can get busy and scrapbook with all my new paper.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Firehouse Cherry Limeade

Ate lunch at Firehouse Subs after church.  We really like the sandwiches here but our favorite is their cherry limeades.  They are so much better than Sonic.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

I had intended to take a picture at the Southwest counter at the airport but I forgot.  Didn't think about taking a picture until we were all unpacked and had put everything away.  I was cleaning out my backpack and came across the luggage claim ticket so thats the picture for the day.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Guenther House - Pioneer Flour Mill

I had read about the Guenther House and we had tried to find it yesterday in the King William district but never did.  We asked the guy at the hotel where he suggested to eat a good breakfast and he said the Guenther House.  So we got on the street car that took us right there.  I knew it was an old house and old flour mill.  Had no idea until we got there that is it still a working mill and it is where our favorite gravy mix is made, Pioneer.  The house is part museum and part restaurant.  The breakfast was wonderfull.  The biscuits were huge and very tasty.  We went back to Market Square to shop for the grandkids.  We ate dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse on the riverwalk.   Great vacation.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

San Jose Mission

We rode the city bus out to two missions.  This was very interesting to me as I didn't really know what missions were or any thing about them.  This was the bigger of the two that we toured.  Lots of history here.  We came back by the King William historic district and saw alot of neat old houses.  We ate dinner at PaeSanos on the riverwalk.  We loved eating every night out on the sidewalk beside the river.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Riverwalk

We walked to the art district, the Hemisfair, the Tower of the Americas, some more old city buildings and ended up at the Alamo again.  The Alamo was only a couple of blocks from our hotel.  We ate dinner at The Republic of Texas on the riverwalk.  This picture was taken from our table at dinner.  We walked about 2 blocks from our hotel and watched a great fireworks show.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Alamo

We left Kansas City at 6:00am and arrived in San Antonio at 9:00am.  We checked into our hotel and took out to see the sights.  One of the first things we went to see was the Alamo.  We saw alot on the first day, the Alamo, the riverwalk, cathedrals, the govenors palace, market square and historic buildings.  We ate dinner at Casa Rio's on the riverwalk.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Gage and His Popsicle

Our church had its 4th of July Celebration and picnic. Nick was in charge of cooking all the burgers and dogs so he recruited Brian and Caleb to get the job done. One of the highlights for the kids (and adults) is the ice cream truck that comes and everyone is treated to free ice cream. Gage enjoyed his popsicle. I should have done a before and after picture. This was before the red popsicle melted and ran down his arm to his elbow and dripped on his foot. He was stained red all over. But he loved every bite of it and wasn't going to give it up until it was gone.