Saturday, June 30, 2012

Birthday Shopping with Brooklynne

We asked Brooklynne what she wanted for her birthday and she said she wanted to go shopping for clothes.  We did this a couple of years ago and it worked out well.  Because all the summer stuff is on sale she was able to load up.  After all that shopping she wanted to eat Chinese for lunch so we ate at the food court.  Can't really tell who is having the most fun here.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Card Class at Jennifer's

Jennifer had a Stamping Up card class and I went and invited Arlene and Alicia from work. We had a good time but were pretty slow in making our cards. We didn't get done until 10:00.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Brooklynne's 8th Birthday

Happy 8th Birthday Brooklynne. Can't believe she is already 8 years old.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

McDonalds and the Olympics

Not too exciting but it was my "get me through the afternoon" drink and the advertisement on the drink reminding us that the Olympics are just around the corner.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maesyn Three Weeks Old

Three weeks old. She had just had a bath so her hair was sticking out and curling. Still as cute as can be.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Noah and Carter

After work we picked up Noah and Carter and spent the evening with them. We gave them their choice of any place they wanted to eat dinner. Guess where they picked???? MCDONALDS. Oh well, thats what they wanted so thats what they got. Noah is growing up so fast. One of these days, going to McDonalds with Grandma and Grandpa won't be cool so we will enjoy it while we can.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Berry Chiller

We stopped to see Brad and Kelley on the way back home.  We went to dinner with them and I was going to take their picture while we were at dinner but I forgot.   So when we stopped in Fort Scott so I could try the cherry berry chiller, that was my picture.  And for the record, it wasn't as good as it looked.  It was very cranberry and thats not my favorite. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pool at Pops and Grannys

After going out to breakfast, this is where we spent the rest of the day. Nice and relaxing. Enjoyed a church fish fry for dinner and then back to the pool.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Driving to Cassville

We went home to Cassville for the weekend.  I hadn't taken a picture for the day so I pulled out the camera and did a driving down the road shot.  This was taken between Granby and Monett.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gage Potty Training

On a whim, Gage decided he wanted to poop in the big potty. He actually did it but it was short lived. About an hour later he pooped in his diaper. Guess its a little early for potty training. But hey, when they say they want to do it you gotta let them try. He was sure proud of himself.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stitching Again

This is just the reason I don't get anything accomplished.  I have so many hobbies that I just jump from one to the other so I don't get very far on any one project before I'm ready to move to something else.  For some reason, I felt the urge to get some stitching out.  This is very very close to being done so I thought maybe I should just go ahead and finish the stitching.  My friend Amy already has it stitched and she is waiting on me to get it stitched so we can put do the finishing together.  We will see how long I stick with this one.  I'm sure its about time to move on to scrapbooking or quilting tho :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prayer Shawl Progress

Went to my first prayer shawl ministry meeting at work. This was the progress I made during the meeting. Hope I can stick with it until it is finished.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Razorbacks in the College World Series

Arkansas Razorbacks playing in the College World Series. That was the reason for this particular picture but when Caleb looked at the picture, he was impressed that I caught the news across the bottom. I hadn't even noticed it but he said it was a big deal. It was the first back to back one hitter game with double digit strikeouts since the early 1988..

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Maesyn Two Weeks Old

One day shy of being two weeks old. She is still as precious as can be. Jennifer is holding her and Maesyn is really looking her over. I love the way she has her hands clasped together.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Brian's New Nook Glow

Late anniversary and early Fathers day present, a Nook glow.  Brian had a Sony reader but it was old and they have improved them so much that I thought he would like a new reader.  This Nook is as little as his Sony but the great thing with this one is it has the built in night light that can be turned off and on.  Nook's aren't backlit so you can read them outside in bright sunlight but you couldn't read them in the dark until they came out with this one.  Hope he enjoys it.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Another Medicine

While taking the medication for my sinus infection, I began having stomach problems.  I just figured it was the medicine.  This went on over a week after I was off the medicine.  Went back to the Dr and after spending from 11:00am to 4:00pm and after an exam and a CT scan, I was told I had diverticulis.  Had no idea what it was but got medicine for it.  And the medicine was terrible.  One of the pills made my mouth taste metalic and everything I drank made that taste worse.

After this, no more Dr's for a very long time.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Prayer Shawl

Didn't get very far the last time I got my crocheting out so am going to give it another try.  I still want to participate in the prayer shawl ministry at work.  Since I am working everyday now while my co-worker recovers from hip replacement, I'm going to be able to go to the meetings.  They meet every other Tuesday and I don't usually work on Tues.  I want to at least have a shawl started when I go to the meeting next Tues.  So I got some new yarn and am attempting to get it started.  If I get along okay I'm sure there will be another picture to follow.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rose Full Bloom

The roses are still beautiful and in full bloom now.  Enjoying them everyday

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Grace and Her Ice Cream

We went to Gardner and took the kids to Cherry Berry. It's the serve yourself frozen yogurt place. They love to go there, 1) because they love ice cream and 2) they get to get it by themselves. Sometimes Grandpa does have to step in to help or before you know it they have a bowl FULL of yogurt and you pay by the ounce which can get pretty pricey. Caleb is always the winner of the most expensive bowl. I'm so thankful to live close enough to my family to be able to enjoy these times.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our 35th Anniversary

Happy 35th Anniversary to us. Brian sent me these roses at work this morning. They are so pretty. Looking forward to the next 35 years.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Homemade Ice Cream of the Summer

First batch of homemade ice cream of the season. All the kids came over for ice cream and brownies. The ice cream was really good but the highlight of the evening was for the kids to take turns holding Maesyn.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Blake Loses His First Tooth

Blake lost his first tooth last night and he couldn't wait to show us when we got to his tee ball game this morning.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Gage's First Movie

Caleb and Amy invited me to go see the movie Madagascar 3 with them and the kids. It was Gage's first movie experience. We found out he isn't quite old enough for the movies yet. It took all of us to occupy him. Blake and Grace loved the movie and Maesyn slept through the whole thing.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Working at Barnes and Noble

I met Molly at Barnes and Noble after I got off work at 12:30. We were going to work on our 31 Things project but we ended up talking about the different things we can do on our iPads. Seems like the time goes so fast when we get together. We don't get near as much done as we would like.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Family Photo Before Taking Maesyn Home

Getting ready to leave the hospital as a family of 6.  They are very excited about taking their new baby home with them.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

One Day Old Maesyn

She is beautiful and perfect in every way.  Blake, Grace and Gage love her and want to hold her and kiss her all the time.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Maesyn Claire Hunt

Our precious 8th grandchild was born at 10:30 this morning. Maesyn Claire weighed 7 lbs and 10 ounces and was 19 inches long. For Mothers Day, Caleb and Amy gave me a special card that said I was invited to stay in the room while the baby was born. The experience was so special and one I won't ever forget. Grandpa got to come in soon after she was born. How blessed we are.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Hanging with Grandpa

Nick and Jenn had a meeting at church so the kids came over and spent the evening with us. We had Papa Murphys pizza and then of course, everyones favorite, the S'mores pizza for dessert. Brooklynne, Brian and Jentry are enjoying the dessert pizza but looks like they are more in to the show they are watching on TV.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Blake Playing Tee Ball

Blakes tee ball game. He does pretty good but looks like he probably missed the ball on this swing.

Friday, June 01, 2012

First Friday

First Friday is an event that happens during the summer in downtown Kansas City. In the west bottoms, all the flea market and antique stores stay open later during the first week-end of the month. We have heard alot about it and went to check it out. We met Molly and Geoff there. We didn't realize that alot of the stores closed between 7:00 and 7:30 so next month we will go earlier in the evening. It was an enjoyable evening.